[1] I saw this cup at Selfridges and instantly had to buy it. I love the simplicity of it and I've always been a great fan of the board game Scrabble. [2] Hunting down a leather jacket for my BF at Spitafield's All Saints. [3] Saw this really cool iPhone photography book in Urban Outfitter. It had some great photos and apps for photography. [4] It has been really cloudy and rainy in London for the past week. I love the texture and patterns of clouds that form after a heavy rain storm. [5] I've had a very strong craving for sushi this week. My salmon Nigiri lunch box from Wasabi. [6] Had a gorgeous meal at Heston Blumenthal's Dinner By Heston Blumenthal at The Mandarin Oriental Hotel. It was the most gorgeous food and amazing presentation - read blog post here. [7] I've been back to making origami stars this week. [8] Browsing around Spitafield Market on my day off. They have a variety of clothing stores, market stores and cool vintage shops.
A change from my previous two posts, I have edited most of these photos as I was playing around with Photoshop. I don't usually manipulate my images, but I had an urge to for this post. Hope you like the photos! I'm super excited to have reached my 100th follower :). Thank you! Will do a blog post soon. Today, I woke up super early considering I went to bed pretty late last night - I was so engrossed in True Blood Season 4 (I love Eric!) that I didn't realise how late it was. All I have been doing is chilling in my pyjamas and watching TV. I haven't had a day like this for a while now. It feel as though I've constantly been on-the-go, with no rest at all. My body feels so weak and so drained. I vowed to use this weekend to hibernate! So much so, I made a conscience decision to miss a friend's birthday party on Saturday (*cue sad violin music*). I don't think I would have coped well with all the dancing and alcohol.. it would probably have knocked me out cold :(. A well needed rest is all I can think of right now. Sleep is my number 1 priority and nothing else. Saying that, I'm actually off to see the doctors in a bit.. fingers crossed its nothing serious. Hope you lovely peeps have a fantastic week!

I love all these photos. Those origami stars are so precious!!
@ Bee - thank you :) Those origami stars are a bit of a hand full to make.. but its great when they come out perfectly :) lol.
Aw amazing photos!
I hope that all goes well at the doctor's! :) My fingers are crossed too.
& I've restarted my hand at origami too, so simple and cute! xx
Love the Scrabble mug! And that sushi looks so yum.
x Michelle | thefeatherden.net
I still have my stars origami from 1997 that I still kept in my room. Your post bring back my old memories.
@ Grace - Thank you sweety!
@ ♡ - Thank you!
@ Michelle - That sushi was delicious! :)
@ TQA - It definitely does bring back memories!
Gorgeous photographs x
@ Elise - thank you!
I'm loving your blog and photos....and you work in broadcast too?! I think we're long lost sisters! I work as an editor for a news station over here, I'm curious what your profession is!
Lovely photos, those origami stars are amazing! And I'm craving sushi now, it looks yummy! x
I HAD to comment on that mug! It's so lovely <3. I'll probably make my own with my letter :).
I love raw salmon ! <3
I love your header , and of course your blog ! xD
amazing photos! you are a really talented photographer! the photo of the clouds is stunning! it sounds like you had pretty much the best week ever! :)
Stunning photos - I love those scrabble mugs as well!
i love your site because i love your posts and your pictures are so inspiring and these actually being edited are really nice. it shows that you're just a talented photographer cause you don't need to edit your pictures. gahh loving this. wish i had a nice camera and the touch of a photographer to take inspiring photos like you.
Amazing pics~
Sushi! We could have that right now, too. There is really nothing as good as Sushi, don't you think?
Best wishes ♫
Midnight Couture Girls
how do you do those cute little paper stars? :o they look so adorable! And the tea cup (not sure if that's the name of it in english xP) is so lovely! i wish i could find those scrabble itens here in portugal too :c
nice post ^^ i like your blog, i'm keeping my eye on it! :3
xoxo, Monstros no Armário
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