[1] I've been so addicted to Instagram lately, there are some fantastic photographers that I'm following at the moment. [2] I manage to snap (with so many attempts) my baby cousin, Amelia with a pair 3D glasses on. She looks so cute! [3] 1 had dinner with my boyfriend at a really nice Japanese restaurant in Piccadilly Circus. [4] The sky was so beautiful one evening when my bf picked me up from work [5] I was testing out the self-timer mode on my SLR, with the help of Hello Kitty too. [6] I have finally found the perfect side-bag from Topshop. [7] I was walking to work one morning and I saw this cutelittle fella dangling from a tree, so cute.
Yes, I've joined and I've been meaning to do this for so long now. I'm officially with the "My Week In Photos' hype. I read so many great blogs that are doing these kind of posts and I felt inspired to create one for my blog too. I have no idea why I chose to begin on Tuesday of all days, I actually did have a sudden burst of blogging withdrawal. I really should have started this on Sunday, but things got a bit too hectic over the weekend so I missed the deadline. But I will continue this every sunday, as much as I can keep up with, so please do bare with me.

wow you have instagram! How addictive is it hey!? :) Pretty photos by the way, the hello kitty one is so cute!
Lovely photos! Hey I gave you an award on my blog :)
@Jelena - I love instagram! I'm so addicted to it at the mo :)
@ Grace - Thank you so much for the award :) xxx
Great photos! I love the one of the squirrel; I’ve tried taking pictures of them myself but I’m never quick enough to get them at a good angle. Glad you’re ‘officially with the "My Week In Photos' hype’ now, I love reading these type of posts! x
Aww! Amelia is so adorable!! Great photos! I'm glad you're doing this challenge because you are an awesome photographer :)
i love the photo with the glasses
@ Hayley - Thank you! That squirrel was really hard to capture.. this was during my 7am walk to work lol.
@ Hazel - Thank you so much :)
I'm London too - what restaurant was it? Looks lush! xoxo
lovely photos :) x
great photos! i think i want to start doing this myself. i lovee the idea and you really do take inspirational photos.
@ Emie - Thanks! I've actually forgotten the name of it! Sorry!
@ Dirt On The Rocks - Thank you :) look forward to seeing your posts!
awww so cute! instagram takes such artsy fartsy pix! haha...
I LOVE the quality of your photos! xx
@ Misha A La Mode - Thank you!
@ Jessica-May - Thank you so much x
the little girl is soooo cute! wearing those glasses upside down XD thank you for dropping by my blog^^
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