[1] I've been listening to Beyonce 'Best Thing I Never Had' everyday now and I don't ever think I can get bored of it. [2] Hello Kitty is keeping me warm! I love getting in to my home wear when I get in from work! There's something therapeutic about it. Snuggling up in front of the telly is my favourite past-time! [3] I just bought a new bunch of orchids for my room. I think it really gives my room that hint of summer, that London is sadly lacking at the moment. [4] I went out for dinner with my BF to 'KiKii Bar & Grill' in central London. I wasn't really impressed with the food, but the drinks were ace! [5] I went to see Transformers 3 on Wednesday and I absolutely loved it. I still don't think the 3D effect was necessary though. [6] I've been looking for a mini getaway for August or September with my BF. I have my eye on Portugal at the moment. All I can think of is sand, sea and cocktails! [7] Had dinner at Chiquitos, its been a while since I lasted visited and I must say, the burrito I had was fab! [8] Saw this cute little message at Oval tube station and thought that it was a great little touch. [9] I had a stroll around Covent Garden one evening after work and came across this really bizarre but cool human statue.
Thank you all for your lovely comment on my first My Week In Photo post! I'm glad you all love the photos. It is so much fun doing this challenge! If you're thinking of taking this challenge up, please do let me know so I can follow :). Also, to those that have asked me via twitter and through email, I am using my Canon 500D for my photos. I do occasionally change to my Canon S90, but I mainly use my SLR for this blog. A Dreamer's Journal has hit just over 5000 views! Thank you guys so much :). I'm really enjoying blogging at the moment and I love reading all your comments! I've been wanting to do more blog challenges, but the busy bee that I am, I'm restricted to blog one or twice a week. If I could do it everyday, I would.. without hesitation. However, that doesn't mean I won't take upon a challenge - me love a challenge. So, if you guys have any other blog challenges that you think I might like, and it doesn't require a lot of blogging.. please let me know :) Thank you! Hope you all have a fabulous week!

<3 the kitty socks! its so cute :)
@Breakingrumours - Thank you!
I love these photos! :)
Wow the orchids look so pretty, come to think of it i need to by me some flowers to put in my room ^^.
...great pics and glad I stopped by! I agree on the Transformers comment. Because of the length of it, the 3D version actually gave me a headache, all the drama and destruction tossed about, seemingly an inch in front of my face. Ugh! ;)
heeeeeeeeelooooo kitty SOCKS!!! :D
I love that quote! I am going to start this challenge after seeing yours! xo
@Jelena - Orchids always brightens up my room :) its such a beautiful flower! One of my fav.
@Elliot - I'm so glad you agree! Almost 3 hours worth of 3d effects really does get a bit too much. But its a great film nevertheless!
@Cat - =)
@Hannah - Look forward to seeing your posts!
I love how clear your photos are!
Great post xx
this is a great post hun, photos of the week!!! I love your feet! *i dont have a fetish for feet but your toes are absolutely cute, i've seen them in the flesh!* hahahaha :D
@ Jessica - Thank you :)
@ Kirsty - Haha, I take that as a compliment :P x
very cute kitty socks~
@ Ken - thank u
So glad I found your blog -it's my new favourite! <3 xoxo
Awesome photos! It looks like you have been up to some fun stuff lately! :) Your ipad cover is really cute!
I went to watch Transformers recently ! I really like it :) & totally agree with you that it didn't need the 3D ~
Chiquitos, nom nom nom :P
i just love, love your photos! they're so inspiring and at the same time so clean to look at. i'm hoping that i get great pictures like you.
oh btw, i'm so jelly you've got a great ipad and case there :D
@ Kate - Thank you so much, that just made my day!
@ Hazel - Thanks!
@ Fiona - Chiquitos ftw! lol
@ Abby - Thank you :) you also capture some great photos on your blog! Keep it up.
Very nice photography ^^ The socks are so cute!
@ Kati - Thank you for your lovely comment and thank you for following.
Tu blog me encanta, te sigo!!
Pasate por el mio si quieres
Un besazo guapa
I hate 3D movies too because they make me dizzy and I hate wearing the glasses.
Love your ipad case!
Thank you, Kooty!
I took this challenge after saw your post.. Check it out if you want to..
It was a great thing to do to make us keep posting on our blog even just a picture.
And yeah, too much 3D for transformers is just too much.
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