[1] Myself and my cousin Amelia and Fiona! This was taken after a long day out in the park. It was a nightmare getting Amelia to sit still. [2] Visited the lomography shop in spitafield to check out some of their retro cameras. The Diana F is on my wish list at the moment. [3] Went old school and had some smiley faces! Reminded me of primary school. [4] My niece, Ava playing at the local park, bless her cotton socks.. she was so scared. [5] I've finally starting watching SATC from the beginning. My BF bought me this a year a go and it has been sitting on my shelf since. [6] Starting to do ombre nails this week.. [7] Saw this necklace in urban outfitter, went down from £15 to £5, what a bargain!
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Sunday, July 31, 2011
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Bik Bok Love
Another obessesion of mine, chunky statement rings. Not that I wear rings very often since its a bit of nuisance for work, but when I do find the occasion, I whip it out without hesitation (that rhymes!). Purchased from Bik Bok on the whim, as I was out shopping and decided to pop in since the sale sign was up (I never really shop in there). I don't know what it is with all these sale signs, but when I see red (they are often in red), I'm automatically lured in. Its almost hypnotising.... or is it just me? Mmm. Anyways, this beauty costed me £5 and I'm so loving it. I'm thinking of purchasing more of these kind of styles of rings - the vintage looking ones. I have seen a few that I've been lusting for at llymlrs jewellery collection, all her jewellery are so beautiful and so affordable! I have a feeling a batch order is on the horizon. uh oh!

Friday, July 29, 2011
Friday Portrait | Week #3
Hey Dreamers and Dreamerettes, Hope every is having a great week so far? Well, I haven't been up to much this week, only work for me.. no rest for the wicked like they say. Its been a pretty slow week to be honest, nothing major has happened nor has there been anything to report back on here. Oh, actually.. I've been catching up on True Blood Season 4, I'm really loving it.. I just love Sookie and her cute little one-liners, and Eric is looking ever so fine! I'm planning to start watching Breaking Bad too, I think I'm like 4 seasons late? Mmmm. I've heard so many great things about it, plus it'll keep me occupied in the evening too. What do you guys think of it? Are you also a True Blood fan too?
My boyfriend has just booked tickets for The Big Screen, which is basically a film event happening for 3 consecutive days at the London's 02. It is put together by film magazine, Empire. We're both huge film fans, we both work in that sort of industry and also have degrees in that area, so it'll be definitely a great event to attend and its right up our street? Apparently, Cow Boys and Aliens are doing their premier there, as well as pixar and other industry professionals putting together seminars and work shops for the whole 3-day event. I'm really looking forward to it.
I'm taking my baby niece and cousin out tomorrow for a little day out. My niece, who has just turned one, has taken her first little steps, I'm so proud of her. I can't believe she is growing up so fast.
I'm thinking of booking a spa day soon, somewhere in London perhaps. Does anyone know any good spa hotels? Or any offers for spa days around the UK? Please let me know. Thanks!
I've taken hardly any photos for my sunday post this week :( I don't know what I'm going to posts up! Might just have to be a few bits and bobs from this week (if any) and the previous week. Either way, I'll try my best to keep the sunday 'My Week In Photos' post continuing.
Friday Portrait

Tuesday, July 26, 2011
One For One
My boyfriend, the sweetheart that he is, surprised me with a pair of TOMS the other day and I can honestly say that it is the most comfiest pair of trainers/sneakers that I own. I had no idea the story behind this company, but I'm so glad that I'm a part of this great cause. They have a wide range of colours in this style and I already have my eye on a green pair. Retailing at £33 in the UK, I think its a pretty decent price considering how big the cause is! Please show your support and head over to TOMS website to find out more information on this great cause. [logo image taken from www.tomsshoes.co.uk]
Sunday, July 24, 2011
My Week In Photos #3
[1] I saw this cup at Selfridges and instantly had to buy it. I love the simplicity of it and I've always been a great fan of the board game Scrabble. [2] Hunting down a leather jacket for my BF at Spitafield's All Saints. [3] Saw this really cool iPhone photography book in Urban Outfitter. It had some great photos and apps for photography. [4] It has been really cloudy and rainy in London for the past week. I love the texture and patterns of clouds that form after a heavy rain storm. [5] I've had a very strong craving for sushi this week. My salmon Nigiri lunch box from Wasabi. [6] Had a gorgeous meal at Heston Blumenthal's Dinner By Heston Blumenthal at The Mandarin Oriental Hotel. It was the most gorgeous food and amazing presentation - read blog post here. [7] I've been back to making origami stars this week. [8] Browsing around Spitafield Market on my day off. They have a variety of clothing stores, market stores and cool vintage shops.
A change from my previous two posts, I have edited most of these photos as I was playing around with Photoshop. I don't usually manipulate my images, but I had an urge to for this post. Hope you like the photos! I'm super excited to have reached my 100th follower :). Thank you! Will do a blog post soon. Today, I woke up super early considering I went to bed pretty late last night - I was so engrossed in True Blood Season 4 (I love Eric!) that I didn't realise how late it was. All I have been doing is chilling in my pyjamas and watching TV. I haven't had a day like this for a while now. It feel as though I've constantly been on-the-go, with no rest at all. My body feels so weak and so drained. I vowed to use this weekend to hibernate! So much so, I made a conscience decision to miss a friend's birthday party on Saturday (*cue sad violin music*). I don't think I would have coped well with all the dancing and alcohol.. it would probably have knocked me out cold :(. A well needed rest is all I can think of right now. Sleep is my number 1 priority and nothing else. Saying that, I'm actually off to see the doctors in a bit.. fingers crossed its nothing serious. Hope you lovely peeps have a fantastic week!

Friday, July 22, 2011
Friday Portrait | Week #2
I'm going to keep this post a little shorter than usual today! I don't want to expose much on here, but today I did something that can potentially change my life. I won't know the outcome until a few weeks, but I am keeping my fingers, toes and whatever that can be crossed, crossed. I hope you all can do the same too :) Gosh I sound like such a drama queen don't I? ha ha. Other than that, this week has been pretty same old some old. I've had an on/off mild case of the flu so I'm still recovering from that. I think my body has given way and has totally shut down on me =( stress really does work in different ways. Sigh. I've also been finding some time to spend with my BF as we don't really get to see much of each other. We're still not sure where we should go on holiday in September - we have Amsterdam in mind, has anyone been?
If you haven't read my post yet, please do so here. I finally went to Heston Blumenthal's pop-up restaurant at Mandarin Oriental Hotel on Monday. The food and experience was uh-mazing! I just wish I could have met the man himself.. that would have been a dream come true.
Shout Out! I've been reading some really great blogs lately, but one that has caught my attention is Abby @Dirty On The Rocks. I love her style of writing and I just adore all her photos of her gorgeous son. She is currently doing a 30 day tumblr challenge, that is really interesting and insightful to read.. head over to her site to check it out!
As I'm drawing closer to 100 followers, I've been thinking about what kind of video I should do for my special 100 followers post. Do you guys think I should do a Q&A or just a general thank you video? Let me know what you guys want and I shall see what I can do. Also, I say this all the time, but I mean it from the bottom of my iddy biddy heart.. thank you all for all your lovely and thoughtful comments on all my posts.. you guys really brighten up my day with your kind words. Big huggies!
Friday Portrait

Sunday, July 17, 2011
My Week In Photos #2
[1] I've been listening to Beyonce 'Best Thing I Never Had' everyday now and I don't ever think I can get bored of it. [2] Hello Kitty is keeping me warm! I love getting in to my home wear when I get in from work! There's something therapeutic about it. Snuggling up in front of the telly is my favourite past-time! [3] I just bought a new bunch of orchids for my room. I think it really gives my room that hint of summer, that London is sadly lacking at the moment. [4] I went out for dinner with my BF to 'KiKii Bar & Grill' in central London. I wasn't really impressed with the food, but the drinks were ace! [5] I went to see Transformers 3 on Wednesday and I absolutely loved it. I still don't think the 3D effect was necessary though. [6] I've been looking for a mini getaway for August or September with my BF. I have my eye on Portugal at the moment. All I can think of is sand, sea and cocktails! [7] Had dinner at Chiquitos, its been a while since I lasted visited and I must say, the burrito I had was fab! [8] Saw this cute little message at Oval tube station and thought that it was a great little touch. [9] I had a stroll around Covent Garden one evening after work and came across this really bizarre but cool human statue.
Thank you all for your lovely comment on my first My Week In Photo post! I'm glad you all love the photos. It is so much fun doing this challenge! If you're thinking of taking this challenge up, please do let me know so I can follow :). Also, to those that have asked me via twitter and through email, I am using my Canon 500D for my photos. I do occasionally change to my Canon S90, but I mainly use my SLR for this blog. A Dreamer's Journal has hit just over 5000 views! Thank you guys so much :). I'm really enjoying blogging at the moment and I love reading all your comments! I've been wanting to do more blog challenges, but the busy bee that I am, I'm restricted to blog one or twice a week. If I could do it everyday, I would.. without hesitation. However, that doesn't mean I won't take upon a challenge - me love a challenge. So, if you guys have any other blog challenges that you think I might like, and it doesn't require a lot of blogging.. please let me know :) Thank you! Hope you all have a fabulous week!

Friday, July 15, 2011
Friday Portrait | Week #1
Happy weekend peeps! Lol, I know, I know.. thats not the best photo of me to start this post with. Its the only photo that came out decent enough to share. I some how never take good (decent) photos of myself on the SLR! Anyways, this will be a regular posts on my weekly thoughts and a general update on my life (with a self portrait for your viewing pleasure =p)! You will probably find out in due course that my life isn't all that interesting. But if you are remotely interested, please follow and comment as you wish :)
Work has been pretty calm lately, so no stress at the moment for me *touch wood*. I just had my appraisal (its been 9-months since I've been at my company!) and everything went really well. Hopefully there might be a promotion in the near future. I'm so glad I took this job on because its made me realise what I truly want to be.. its just getting there that I have to figure out. Fingers crossed things will look up from now on.
I finally went to see Transformers 3.... it was brilliant. Michael Bay really does know how to make a good action 'pop-corn' film. The CGI was epic and the Labeouf is super cute in the film!
I've reached an amazing 80 followers on this blog! I still can't believe there's that much people who actually take the time out to view my posts. You guys don't know how much that means to me... its means A LOT! So, thank you and big hugs to you all. I also mentioned on twitter that if I ever reach 100 followers, I will do a video posts :) I'm not sure what the subject will be, but if and when I do reach the target, I will do something special.
I'm working this weekend so I probably only do my My Week In Photo posts on sunday as I won't really have time to blog about anything else. I heard the weather is going to be pretty miserable in London, so working this weekend won't be so bad. I've also got a lunch date with my boyfriend on Monday at the new Heston Blumenthal's restaurant in Knightsbridge - will do a separate post on this. Go check out the website! I'm so excited.

Friday Portrait

Tuesday, July 12, 2011
My Week In Photos #1
[1] I've been so addicted to Instagram lately, there are some fantastic photographers that I'm following at the moment. [2] I manage to snap (with so many attempts) my baby cousin, Amelia with a pair 3D glasses on. She looks so cute! [3] 1 had dinner with my boyfriend at a really nice Japanese restaurant in Piccadilly Circus. [4] The sky was so beautiful one evening when my bf picked me up from work [5] I was testing out the self-timer mode on my SLR, with the help of Hello Kitty too. [6] I have finally found the perfect side-bag from Topshop. [7] I was walking to work one morning and I saw this cutelittle fella dangling from a tree, so cute.
Yes, I've joined and I've been meaning to do this for so long now. I'm officially with the "My Week In Photos' hype. I read so many great blogs that are doing these kind of posts and I felt inspired to create one for my blog too. I have no idea why I chose to begin on Tuesday of all days, I actually did have a sudden burst of blogging withdrawal. I really should have started this on Sunday, but things got a bit too hectic over the weekend so I missed the deadline. But I will continue this every sunday, as much as I can keep up with, so please do bare with me.

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